Charlie Cook's MArketing for Success Insider's Club


Which Stage Are You At With Your Business?

Author: Charlie Cook   |   October 2nd, 2012

How can you THRIVE in this economy?

The answer depends on which stage your business is at.

Make sense?

It’s like… building a house.

When you first get started, you focus on the foundation… then on framing it in, and you probably use semi-skilled framers.

(I used to frame houses so I know it’s not that hard).

Then, as you add windows, walls and trims, you’ll need highly skilled trim carpenters. And once you’re done, you can move in or sell it.

Same for your business.

You’ll be doing different things depending on what stage you are at.
Here the stages:

1. Startup
2. Successful Entrepreneur
3. Growing Company
4. Mature Organization

And here’s where you’ll be focused:

1. Startup – $0 to $500,000
• Priority is to define who you are, write your marketing message and attract patients.
• Wearing lots of hats and trying to cover all the bases.

2. Successful Entrepreneur – half a million $ to two million
• Priority is to transition from being the business to running it by using proven systems to increase profits.
• Growth by design and implementation of 7 key systems.

3. Growing Company – $2 to $20 million in annual revenue
• Priority is to fine tune marketing, training and delivery processes and procedures so you can scale the business.
• Continual improvement.

4. Mature Organization – $20 million or more in revenue
• Priority is to create a self-managing organization, so your team keeps it growing while you enjoy life more.
• Organize the company so it runs itself or if you want so you can sell it.

Which stage are most companies at?

You guessed it. Stage one and two, and the biggest challenge is going from one to two.

Ready to go from a $500,000 a year business to a two million dollar a year or more business?

Schedule a time to talk. Email with your contact information.

To your success,


P.S. Recently I’ve cut back on my coaching schedule to make room for my business partnerships. So if you’d like to sign up to take your business to the next level, be aware I only have time to work with 4-5 per year, to ensure they get the attention they need to prosper.

P.P.S. Questions? Hit reply and let me know what’s on your mind.

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