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The Surefire Way To Get More Sales

Author: Tom Borg   |   October 22nd, 2011

During a recent session with a small business owner, I explained to him how important it is to sincerely complement his employees.

This person tended to not pay genuine compliments to his employees. Instead, he would…make pretty embarrassing comments.

If you want to bring out the best in your employees and discover their strengths, one of the best things you can do is regularly praise them. They might not admit it, but they’ll love to be at the receiving end of some positive words every now and then. This is a gift you can give, that costs nothing, yet will definitely multiply in dividends. You’ll see their confidence go up, and their production and sales increase as well.

For a simple way to give a genuine compliment to someone else, use the SES formula:

The first S is for being “sincere”. Try to discover a quality that warrants a genuine compliment. Whether they’re great at customer support or are always a team leader, be sure to point out that quality to them.

E is for the “evidence”. Give them concrete evidence that helps cement your compliment. It’s hard for someone to deny a compliment when you’re sincere and show them what you mean with an example of their work.

The second S is for “short”. Keep your compliment short. There are two reasons for this – it’s more natural and easier to give, but also it’s much easier to receive.

Look at it this way: How do you feel to have some gushing about you non-stop? Sure it’s nice to receive the compliments, but still it makes most of us uncomfortable. So the easier you make it for them to hear it, the easier it will be for you to give. And when you’ve finished the compliment, simply change the subject or walk away.

An example of how to give a compliment might sound like this: “Tina, great work on your presentation. It was nice and to the point. Keep up the excellent work. See you later.”

So just remember, even though it can make you feel uncomfortable and maybe, even the recipient, too, giving compliments boosts the self-esteem of your team and helps you to feel better about yourself, as well.

About Tom Borg
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