Marketing Podcasts

Which Pricing Strategy Maximizes Profits

Charlie Cook

Are your prices so high that they scare away customers and reduce your sales?
– or –
Are your prices so low that they’re killing your profits?

The Challenge:The less you charge for a product or service the easier it is to sell. More sales are a good thing — but every time you reduce your prices you shrink your profit margin.

The Solution: Get your products and pricing working together as a team, from your supporting products to your superstar profit generating ones.

Listen to Charlie’s Small Business Marketing Podcast

The Resource: Insider Secrets to Eliminating Obstacles to Sales >>

Win At Sales Without Pitching

Charlie Cook

The best sales presentation I’ve ever seen wasn’t a sales pitch, but when it was over I was sold for life.

The Challenge:Wouldn’t you like to be able to do the same with your marketing, sell clients for life without a single sales pitch?

The Solution: Good selling isn’t about high pressure and fast talk. It’s about providing information that enables buyers to make informed decisions.

Listen to Charlie’s Small Business Marketing Podcast

The Resource: Insider Secrets to Attracting More & Better Customers >>

3 Steps to Eliminate Objections to Price

Charlie Cook

When a Prospect objects to your pricing, it is often the beginning of the end of a potential sale.

The Challenge:You can run through all the benefits of your product or service again, but once price has become an obstacle, it’s hard to remove it.

The Solution: The first thing to remember whenever a prospect objects to your price is that it’s not about the money!

Listen to Charlie’s Small Business Marketing Podcast

The Resource: Insider Secrets to Eliminating Obstacles to Sales >>

3 Habits That Build Wealth

Charlie Cook

When business slows down and his client list shrinks, Bill blames it on a lack of interest in the marketplace. What’s Bill missing?

The Challenge: Marketing is like your health. If you want to see your business continue to increase its profits year after year you need to have healthy marketing habits.

The Solution: In marketing as in gardening, a simple strategy will help those leads turn into clients and you’ll have healthy profits. Without a proven marketing strategy you’ll just end up wasting your time and money.

Listen to Charlie’s Small Business Marketing Podcast

The Resource: Insider Secrets to Eliminating Obstacles to Sales >>

Is it Marketing Magic?

Charlie Cook

My business is steadily growing, even in the midst of a recession. Why?

The Challenge: Very few people know how to get results on the web. Marketing online isn’t the same as marketing in any other medium.

The Solution: Insider Secrets to Creating Web Sites That Sell has become my best-selling manual this year. It shows you how to not only get traffic to your site but convert it into leads and sales.

Listen to Charlie’s Small Business Marketing Podcast

The Resource: Creating Websites that Sell >>

The 3 Fastest Ways to Close a Sale

Charlie Cook

How many times have you lost a sale or had to work way too hard to close the ones you got?

The Challenge: Every person who has ever tried to close a sale has been through it. You’ve talked to a good prospect three or four times. You think they are ready to buy. But just when you think you’ll be able to close the sale, it stalls.

The Solution: Pre-selling your prospects is easier than you think, and even if you don’t have a steady stream of referrals. You can use these 3 simple ideas to sell more with less effort.

Listen to Charlie’s Small Business Marketing Podcast

The Resource: Insider Secrets to Eliminating Obstacles to Sales >>

The 3 Ultimate Keys to Wealth and Success

Charlie Cook

The bad economy makes great headlines, and they’re full of it. You can’t miss hearing or reading about how terrible it is for business. But if that’s all the news you’re getting, you are missing the good news.

The Challenge: Do you know where to focus your efforts to maximize your profits and be more successful this week, this month, this year, and in this economy?

The Solution: The solution to making more is to continually test and improve everything you do to market your business, so that each month, you’re generating more leads, more sales and yes – more profits.

Listen to Charlie’s Small Business Marketing Podcast

The Resource:Charlie’s Marketing Mentoring Program >>

3 Steps To Attracting Buyers In This Economy

Charlie Cook

What’s happened to your sales this past year? Are sales increasing or are you struggling to find buyers?

The Challenge:Are you thinking about pulling back on your marketing because of it?

The Solution: Stay confident, focus on what you do best and find the fastest ways to attract prospects and convert them to buyers, and you’ll maximize your profits this year.

Listen to Charlie’s Small Business Marketing Podcast

The Resource: Charlie Cook’s Insiders’ Circle Membership Program >>

4 Low-Cost Marketing Tactics To Maximize Sales This Year!

Charlie Cook

Just one more month and we’re in the midst of the holiday season.Are you on track to make your revenue goals?

The Challenge: Should you just sit back and wait for 2009 so you can get a fresh start?

The Solution: Four easy, no-cost ways to increase your end-of-the year sales and beat, or at least get closer, to your goals  for the year.

Listen to Charlie’s Small Business Marketing Podcast

The Resource: Charlie Cook’s Insiders’ Circle Membership Program >>

What, No Sales Team?

Charlie Cook

How to Grow Your Business Without a Sales Team

The Challenge: You need a team of aggressive sales people on the phone calling prospects, closing deals and taking orders?

The Solution: Attract qualified prospects and buyers, by giving them the information they need and the value they want.

Listen to Charlie’s Small Business Marketing Podcast

The Resource: The Insider Secrets to Creating Websites that Sell>>