Charlie Cook's MArketing for Success Insider's Club


What’s In a Name? How much does it affect your marketing success?

Author: Charlie Cook   |   May 27th, 2007

How important are your product names to the success of your marketing?

Back in March after a ski trip, my son returned to college leaving his ski boots in our poolroom, that wasn’t the problem, the problem was they were highly odoriferous if you know what I mean. Other than dipping them in Clorox I wasn’t sure how to kill the smell.

With a short web search and I found the perfect product. It was marketed under the name, “Stinky Feet”, which got my attention and I whipped out my credit card and bought it. Amazingly enough the stuff worked, at least after a few applications.

How important is the name of your product or service to the success of your small business marketing?

Product names like Stinky Feet or Mold Away or Eliminating Obstacles to Sales or Creating Web Sites That Sell let your prospects know what they’re for or do immediately. That’s a good thing if you want the sale.

Want to get the attention of your prospects and attract buyers with your marketing? Does the name of your product or services contain a description of the problem or the solution?

If they do, they’re much easier to sell.

Know of other great product names or ideas? Submit them here by leaving a comment.

– Charlie
For Marketing Ideas That Work

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