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Why You Should Talk To Your Customers

Author: Rocky Cipriano   |   June 25th, 2010

Many small business owners think they know more about their product or service than anyone else. And while they certainly may, to truly find out about your business, the last person you want to talk to is yourself.

If you really want to gain real insight about your business, product, or service, there’s only one person to ask: the customer. Understanding why your customers buy from you will give you a solid understanding of your target market, and identify ancillary markets as well.

Your customers know more about your product and service than anyone — including you! They have purchased, used, referred, and returned to purchase more from you — and not the competitor. customer service ideasWhy? Is it customer service? Price? Convenience? Reliability?

Don’t you agree that this is important information to know? A real understanding of what drives customers to your small business over the competition is priceless information you can’t afford to be without.

To best understand your customers, go right to the source: ask them what they like, why they like it, what you’re doing right, and why they don’t go elsewhere. Have a face-to-face conversation at the check-out counter, commission a focus group, conduct anonymous questionnaires, or contract an on-line survey. Doesn’t matter how you reach your customers, just reach them.

I’m amazed how many small businesses don’t seek feedback from their customers. Why? I think it’s the same reason many of us put off going to the doctor, we don’t want to risk hearing bad news. Don’t be afraid about what you may find out. Knowledge is the first step to addressing issues that may negatively impact your business. I guarantee that you’ll also learn something new from your customers that may be game changer for your business success.

Your customers possess the knowledge and perhaps the essential ingredients to help you allocate funds, resources, and employees in the most cost effective manner to keep the customers coming back for more and ensuring your future success.


About Rocky Cipriano
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