Charlie Cook's MArketing for Success Insider's Club


Suicide by opportunity

Author: Iman Aghay   |   May 22nd, 2014

A business with a great product or service often has several high-quality target markets. This potential often seduces entrepreneurs into pursuing several of these markets simultaneously … followed by suicide from cashflow starvation. It is much better to focus initial marketing and sales efforts on a single beachhead market than to deploy limited resources over several markets.

A recent presenter on the Sizzling Sales Show was comfortable with his online, direct-to consumer strategy and fulfillment capabilities. He recognised that there are special demands for moving beyond a North American online competency and into the world of national bricks ‘n mortar distributors in international markets. In particular, he recognised that his infrastructure must be sufficient to support his distributors’ education needs. But still he wanted to expand into 6 international markets.

The panel of sales and marketing experts pricked his bubble. They told him to choose profitability over popularity. They guided him on a path to take his business from good to great … safely.

To see what they said, watch the trailer below. Then go to watch the full presentation video.

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