Charlie Cook's MArketing for Success Insider's Club


The Single Thing You Can Do To Make More

Author: Joan Stewart   |   June 10th, 2011

If you’ve ever been kept waiting on a response from a potential client, you know that you have two decisions to make. Your first choice is to let them sit on it and take time to contemplate what they really want to do.

And your second choice is to… follow up with them and help make their decision process easier.

I took quite a few follow-up calls like that in my 22 years in the industry, and here’s some advice for getting more small business sales out of your follow up calls.

– People say they hate follow-up calls. Truth is, they hate certain follow-up calls. If you follow up to offer an additional piece of information only for that person or suggest an idea, your call might be very welcome.

-Never, ever follow up to ask if someone received what you sent and ask when they’ll be sending it back to you

-You may have to follow up as many as seven times, using a combination of phone and email before you hear back. If, after seven follow-ups you hear nothing, stop calling and emailing

– If you follow up and hear nothing, never assume the person isn’t interested. Sometimes people will file things away, toss it into an “ideas” folder, and return to work on it when they have a bit more free time.

Think of you how like to be followed up with and do so accordingly. You’ll get much more small business sales and have happier clients and a growing business to show for it!

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