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How to Expand & Nurture Your Small Business Network

Author: Colleen Kilpatrick   |   October 4th, 2010

In his book, Beach Money, Jordan Adler writes, “Your success in business will largely be determined by two things:

1.   The number of contacts in your contact manager

2.   The quality of your relationships with the people in your contact manager

Imagine what would happen to your business or your career if you made meeting new people and nurturing your relationship with them a daily priority?

According to Jordan, the formula for doing so is simple.small business network

1. Add one or two new people to your contact manager every day.
When you set this as your intention you become aware of opportunities to meet new people and collect business cards wherever you go. Make it a habit to add new people to your contact manager as soon as you meet them. Then, start building that relationship right away by sending a “nice to meet you card.”

I use a fabulous follow-up service called SendOutCards for this. This tool allows me to go online, select a card, type a message and click send. The company prints it, stamps it and sends it in the US mail for me. Check it out at

2. Get to know the people in your small business network – not just what they do for a living, but their personal interests, hobbies and talents.
Let them also know who you are and what you like to do.

3. Stay in touch with the members of your small business network with phone calls, cards, social media and emails.
Use your contact manager as a tool to keep track of people’s interests, goals and your past conversation with them so that future contact has continuity and significance.

4. View your contact manager as an opportunity to “give back”.
Each day ask your self what you can do to add value to the life of someone in your contact manager. Do something positive every day for at least one member in your network.


About Colleen Kilpatrick
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