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Top 2 Things You Should Know About SEO

Author: Nelson James   |   December 8th, 2009

Is SEO finally dead?

Many claim that SEO is dying – that the whole theory behind it will soon stop having any relevance. People have been making this claim for years, and some are making this claim even as I write this post.

The truth of the matter is that Search Engine Optimization has never been better and has a bright future. In fact, given the difficult economic times we are in, more companies than ever before are turning to SEO agencies to generate revenue without having to invest a huge sum of money that traditional marketing mediums require.

Companies are finding a solution in SEO. But this post isn’t just about what is going on now. It’s about where SEO is heading, and why it will never die.

Understanding where SEO is going requires an understanding of just how valuable search engines are in our modern society. In just a few years the Internet has made it possible to share information and communicate with people on a global scale.

This has created a type of information overload, and we just don’t know what to do with everything that is available to us. Which is to say: the information we want is available to us if we can sort through the millions of new Web pages and blog posts that pop up every year.

If, for example, you were looking for the book Vita di Alberto Pisani by Carlo Dossi in Italian, how hard would it be to acquire if you didn’t have the Internet? Not long ago it would have taken days, weeks, or even months to even find the book.

Now it is a simple matter of running a quick search on the Internet. You might end up at one of the larger e-Commerce outlets, or you may find a special deal from a smaller, niche website.

With the exponential growth in information, the need for high quality search engines will grow just as fast. This is the only way consumers, researchers, or casual users will be able to sort through the massive amounts of data that would otherwise clog up the Internet. With no end in sight to this information growth, search engines will only become more and more necessary.

There are, however, a couple more things you need to know about search engines and how they relate to the SEO process. First, search engines will never be able to deliver 100% relevant results 100% of the time. There are just too many variables going on, and it’s impossible to include the human factor into any mathematical algorithm.

For example: suppose a user were to search on the term “Java.” Is it a developer wanting to learn more about the programming language, or a traveler looking for information on the island, or just someone searching for information on the beverage? Search engines like Google can provide the Java programming language results to the developer, but what happens when the developer wants to learn about the island?

The second thing you need to know is search engines actually need SEO specialists to help them provide relevant results – with the exception of Black Hat SEOs who use unethical and spamming tactics to rank higher in the search engines – by helping sites develop clean, compelling, original and relevant content. The search engines can’t do that alone. Search engines are always going to need someone (SEOs) to do it for them.

Some people say that what I described is not actually SEO. They will say SEO is just link building, changing title tags, cleaning up code, and other processes. But in fact, those are simply the current SEO tactics, and just like many other tactics that have come and gone, these may disappear as well, but the practice of SEO will never die.

Search engines aren’t going anywhere. As long as search engines are around, websites with higher search rankings will get more traffic. Those that get more traffic will make more money. To make money online, businesses will need an effective search engine optimization campaign for today and tomorrow.


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