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Build Value and Sell More

Author: Mike Jezek   |   July 29th, 2010

When it comes to direct sales, many sales people understand the concept of showing prospects the value they get from a purchase. But this concept isn’t widely discussed in copywriting circles. But if you get this concept it can significantly bump up your sales almost right away.

Essentially what you want to do in your copy is show people that the value of what they’re getting is greater than the money you’re asking for. And you build that value by explaining how much time and effort and expense has gone into developing your product.

You share with them, details about individual parts that may have taken years to develop, or were perfected in some kind of special process, are rare, or cost a great deal of money.copywriting

You share with them how much time your product can save them and show them how that translates into savings. You share with them how much of a return on investment they’ll get from purchasing your product or service. And you show them how the product pays for itself and the benefits over the course of a quarter, or a year are derived from it.

One way to do this in a sales letter is you can create an itemized list of products or parts of a product and affix a financial value to each piece or part that makes up your product as a whole. You can also insert in your sales letter a chart that shows how your product has more value than that of the competition by playing on people’s tendency to compare and contrast.


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