Charlie Cook's MArketing for Success Insider's Club


The 25 Best Ways To Grow Your Business

Author: Eric Garner   |   November 25th, 2011

We are all time-rich and sometimes results-poor.

So here, to help you get more out of the time you have, or to help you achieve more of what you want, or to discover ways to find an extra hour to do with as you want, are 25… ways to make you a better time manager.

1. Use a time log to track your time.
2. Use time to get results not just fulfill duties.
3. Write down your goals and your plans.
4. Put larger tasks in your schedule first, then schedule the smaller ones where you have time.
5. Take breaks at least every 90 minutes.
6. Keep your desk clear.
7. Plan ahead.
8. Balance the demands on your time.
9. When you’re overwhelmed, write out to-do lists and prioritize each task.
10. Enjoy your time by doing what you do best.
11. Inject variety into your daily tasks so that you look forward to them.
12. Know your time management tendencies.
13. Spend up to a quarter of your day on routine tasks.
14. Plan 60% of your day; leave the rest for what comes up.
15. Experiment with different methods for doing routine tasks.
16. Make the most of shortcuts.
17. Prepare your materials in advance.
18. Screen all incoming calls.
19. Automate tedious and repetitive jobs.
20. Eliminate junk mail and spam.
21. Bunch similar tasks together.
22. Have a regular time slot for doing your chores.
23. Identify the time robbers that steal your time.
24. Back up your computer records at fixed times.
25. Clear your files out regularly.

The last word belongs to Robert Updegraff, who said, “To get all there is out of living, we must employ our time wisely, never being in too much of a hurry to stop and sip life, but never losing our sense of the enormous value of each minute.”

About Eric Garner
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