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The Shortest and Most Costly Mistake Everyone Makes

Author: Jennifer Benson   |   October 10th, 2011

By now, everyone has heard those Twitter success stories – those small businesses around the country (and globe!) who have hopped on Twitter and found the perfect way to reach their audience. It seems to come natural to them and whatever they’re doing, they’re doing it right.

But what about the people who aren’t having any luck at all? Surely they’re doing something different from those who are pulling in tons of customers and making lots more sales, right?When you use Twitter to build your brand you’re opening up doors to possibilities that hadn’t existed before the Twitter platform.

With this method you have the ability to send you followers short, value filled messages and “tweets” that will help them to start to see you and your company as an expert in that field.

The mistake that’s often made by marketers when they first begin to use Twitter for their marketing efforts is they look at this platform as a way to drive sales to their website rather than use it as a way to brand their business.

If you’re reading this now and you don’t see a difference, you might be using your Twitter account wrong, also.

Here’s the difference, if your company sells designer handbags for example, at least 10 of your tweets should be about designer handbags. Things such as the materials used, information about the designer, the history, the vision, etc.

Now, if you are offering a discount for a limited time, you can offer that on your Twitter page but you don’t want every one of your tweets to be about the promotion. No one will be interested if all of your tweets are about the promotion. This would be considered trying to drive sales to your business rather than using the Twitter platform to drive brand awareness to your company.

The key to building your brand is to provide your followers with the type of information they might find to be of value to them. As they begin to see you and your company as the authority figure when it comes to designer bags when you do mention that you are going to be having a sale more of your followers are going to want to purchase from you.

This is the power of using Twitter to build your brand.

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