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10 Quick and Easy Ways To Write More Blog Content

Author: Ivana Taylor   |   July 8th, 2011

So you’ve told yourself you were going to use a marketing strategy that uses blogging and social media to build a loyal customer base.

And soon after, you found out exactly how difficult that would be.

There aren’t nearly… enough hours in the day or automated applications in the world to keep up with all the quality content that you’re going to need to keep those readers satisfied.

This is where “repurposing” blog marketing content becomes a sanity-saving survival strategy and a great way to reach a broader audience and get more visibility.

Let’s take a single event or idea and see how you can turn it into 10 different pieces of content.

1. Interview an industry expert.  Tweet to your community that you’re having the interview, then tweet out several lessons that you learned from the interview.  Remember Twitter is a microblog, so Tweeting is content.

2. Do a presentation.  Turn what you learned from the expert into a presentation that you can deliver either on slideshare or as a webinar. Don’t forget to insert your Slideshare presentation into your LinkedIn profile!

3. Record your presentation (audio, video) and upload to YouTube and Vimeo.  If you conducted your interview on Skype, use VodBurner to record the interview and post it up on Vimeo (if it’s longer than 15 minutes) or break up the interview into small parts and post it up on YouTube.

4. Use the video clips as posts on your blog with short introductions, or embed the video clips as part of an article.
Create a transcript of the presentation and make it a download.  Have your interview transcribed and make it available as a download.

5. Write a white paper based on the interview or presentation use it as a free gift.  Create a white paper using the material from the interview as supporting information.  Combine it with your own research and you’ll have a well documented download.

6. Create a reference guide based on the interview and presentation and publish it on your site as a keyword rich traffic attractor.

7. Break up the white paper into articles and post them as a series.  Article series are really popular and if you reference each preceding article, it will increase the time people spend on your site.

8. Submit your articles to bookmarking sites such as BizSugar, Digg and StumbleUpon.  Bookmarking sites are a great way to build an audience of new readers.

10. Send the articles to article banks such as  Article banks or sites like Squidoo  or Hubpages.

11. Expand the white paper into an eBook and sell it.

12. Create an infographic to attract more visitors and go viral.

The possibilities with blog marketing are only limited by your imagination.  In fact, make a point out of living your day being on the lookout for content.  I carry a digital recorder and a flip cam with me everywhere I go.  I also make sure that I have a notebook with me where I jot down article ideas or headlines.

Another great way to repurpose content is to pay attention to the emails you send and the questions you answer.  I can’t tell you how many times people ask me questions on email and I answer them.

I’ve just recently realized that many of these answers are really blog posts or content in disguise.  I’ll bet the same is true for you.

Content is everywhere, you just have to focus on collecting it and getting the most out of it.  Follow these easy tips and you’ll no longer be a slave to content and get your blog marketing strategy down to a manageable task.

About Ivana Taylor
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2 Responses to “10 Quick and Easy Ways To Write More Blog Content”

  1. Drew Fraser Says:

    Great tips. Love the idea of re-purposing content. Have you ever considered this course as a way to boost your internet marketing skills and dominate first page of Google for any keywords?

  2. Alistair Summers Says:

    Hi Ivana,

    Thanksfor the great share. I an building my blog at the moment and I am definitely not leveraging my time – not thinking outside the box. Mind you, without expert knowledge thinking outside the box becomes academic.

    I will follow your plan and see what happens.



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